Plymouth Congregational Church, Holtkamp Organ, 1982
Jeff Scofield/Pipe Organ Database
December 12, 1983
Daniel Roth in Concert #8311
…a recital by the titular organist of Sacre-Coeur Basilica, Paris, recorded on the 1981 Holtkamp organ of Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis. M. Roth will talk about his career, and about his recordings of the complete organ works of Camille Saint-Saens, excerpts of which will also be included in this program.
ALEXANDRE PIERRE FRANCOIS BOELY: Larghetto in c-sharp minor
CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS: Cypresses, Op. 156
LOUIS VIERNE: Impromptu, from Pieces de Fantasie, Op. 54, No. 2
JEHAN ALAIN: Second Fantasy
DANIEL ROTH: Evocation for Pentecost
MARCEL DUPRÉ: The World Awaiting the Saviour, from Symphonie-Passion
DANIEL ROTH: Improvisation on a Submitted Theme, "Sine nomine"