The German Organ Mass #8575
…a digital recording of a concert performance from St. Clement's Catholic Church in Chicago, by organist Wolfgang Rubsam, featuring the so-called German Organ Mass, elaborate chorale-preludes based on melodies of the Lutheran Greater Catechism. This volume is the first of Bach's organ music published in his lifetime, and represents his compositional art at its height. Commentary is provided by Bach scholar Chistoff Wolf of Harvard University.
Wolfgang Rubsam plays the 20-stop Casavant mechanical-action organ at St. Clement's Church, Chicago, a neo-Baroque instrument of appropriate sonority, situated in a rich, inviting acoustical surround.
J.S. BACH: Clavieruebung III (settings for organ with pedals)
J.S. BACH: Prelude in E-Flat, S. 552a
J.S. BACH: Kyrie; Gott, Vater in Ewigkeit, S. 669
J.S. BACH: Christe; aller Welt Trost, S. 670
J.S. BACH: Kyrie; Gott heiliger Geist, S. 671
J.S. BACH: Gloria; Allein Gott in der Hoeh sei Ehr, S. 676
J.S. BACH: Ten Commandments; Dies sind die heil'gen zehn Gebot, S. 678
J.S. BACH: Creed; Wir glauben all' an einen Gott, S. 680
J.S. BACH: Lord's Prayer; Vater unser in Himmelreich, S. 682
J.S. BACH: Baptism; Christ, unser Herr, zum Jordan kam, S. 684
J.S. BACH: Penitence; Aus tiefer Not, S. 686
J.S. BACH: Eucharist; Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, S. 688
J.S. BACH: Fugue in E-Flat, S. 552b