1912 Austin/Merrill Auditorium, City Hall, Portland
May 15, 1989
Portland's Pleasure #8920
…Recital performances on the celebrated Kotzschmar Organ in the City Hall Auditorium of Portland, Maine.
JOHN COOK: Fanfare
William MacFarlan: America, the Beautiful
Ambroise Thomas: Gavotte, from Mignon
H.M. Dunham: Fantasia and Fugue in d, Op. 19
CAMILLE SAINT-SAËNS: Fantasie in E-flat; The Swan; Improvisation in a, Op. 150, no. 7
W.T. BEST: Variations on God Save the Queen
H.R. Shelley: Scherzo
Edith Lang: Meditation
George W. Chadwick: March
RICHARD KEYS BIGGS: Toccata on Deo Gratias
Our players include former Portland Municipal Organist Gerald F. McGee and guest artists Brian Jones, George Bozeman, and Rosalind Mohnsen.