Pro Organo Sampler #9216
…visiting with performer/producer Fred Hohman, who shares some of the recent additions to his label’s growing catalogue.
CHARLES-MARIE WIDOR: Allegro-Variations, from Organ Symphony Number 5, Opus 42 –Frederick Hohman (1954; 1990 Schantz/Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Newark, NJ) CD-7021
WILLIAM MATHIAS: Wassail Carol. McRAE: Maria wanders through the thorn –Memphis Boychoir and Chamber Choir, John Ayer, conductor; Diane Meredith Belcher. CD- 7031
ROBERT NOEHREN: Fugue, from Organ Sonata (1942). MARCEL DUPRÉ: Toccata, Placare Christe servulis –Robert Noehren (1962 Reuter/Whatley Chapel, University of Denver, CO) CD- 7019
PYOTR TCHAIKOVSKY (trans. Lemare): Romance in f, Opus 5 –Frederick Hohman (1985 Reuter/Augustana Lutheran, Denver, CO) CD-7012
ZOLTAN KODALY: Musical Toy Box. W.A. MOZART: The Marriage of Figaro Overture –performances by the Boston University Symphonic Organ
CALVIN HAMPTON: Lullaby; Voluntary on Engleberg –Harry Huff (1963 Aeolian-Skinner/Calvary Episcopal, New York, NY) CD-7014
NAJI HAKIM: The Embrace of Fire (selections) –Amy Johansen (1954; 1990 Schantz/Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Newark, NJ) CD-7022
JOHANNES BRAHMS: Lord, make me to know, from A German Requiem –The Colorado Choir, Randolph F. Jones, conductor; Frederick Hohman (1985 Reuter/Augustana Lutheran, Denver, CO) CD-7030
All performances, excepting those of the Symphonic Organ at Boston University, are released on the Pro Organo label.