American Organs Here and There (II) #9423
…Organs Here and There ... from Red Bank, New Jersey to San Diego, California, the melodious sound of wind-blown pipes fills the air.
DIETERICH BUXTEHUDE: Praeludium in D (BuxWV 139). SWEELINCK: Variations on Mein junges Leben hat ein End Richard Heschke (1975 Hradetzky organ, Red Bank United Methodist Church, NJ)
WILLIAM KRAPE: Choral Triptych Alan Morrison (1987 Schantz, St. Luke's Presbyterian, Dunwoody, GA)
MAURICE DURUFLÉ: Sicilienne, from Suite, Op. 5. Alain: Litanies Thomas Brown (1992 Quimby, St. Michael's Church, Litchfield, CT)
Sondheim: Not while I'm around, from Sweeney Todd. COLE PORTER: From this moment on Walter Strony (Wurlitzer organs)
Clerambault: Dialogue. Lindon: Trumpet Sonata. JEAN-FRANÇOIS DANDRIEU: Rondeau. SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Clair de lune, Op. 72, no. 2. Gigout: Toccata Gordon Turk (1989 Blackinton/Fumc, San-Diego, California)
Callahan: Suite in C Charles Callahan (1992 Heritage, All Saints Church, Buffalo, NY)