Sir Christemas #9849
From Provence to Poland and New York City to Norway, we offer a global tour of compositions on Christmas themes.
NICOLAS LEBEGUE: Nol, Laisses paitre vos bestes. DIETERICH BUXTEHUDE: Chorale, Ach Gott und Herr. EMMERLEIN: Christmas Offertoire, Joseph est bien marie –André Isoir (1967 Kern/Église Saint-Brice d’Ay, France) Calliope CD-9933
GUY MORANCON: Provencal Nol, Dans une grange champestre –Rupert Gough (1857 Henry Willis; 1974 Harrison & Harrison/Wells Cathedral, England, UK) Priory PRCD595
WILLIAM MATHIAS: Sir Christemas. JOHN RUTTER: Star Carol. JOHN RUTTER: Nol Nouvelet. LEO SOWERBY: Postlude on In dulci jubilo –Saint Bartholomew’s Church Choir, William Trafka, conductor; Daniel Moriarty & William Trafka (1971 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Bartholomew Episcopal, New York, NY) Ethereal CD-100 & Ethereal CD-110
DIETERICH BUXTEHUDE: Chorale, In dulci jubilo –Peter Sykes (1989 Roche/Old North Church, Nantucket Island, MA) Raven OAR-320
J.S. BACH: Chorale, Jesu, joy of man’s desiring –Martin Souter (1830 Appleton/Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY) Isis CD-031
HUGO DISTLER: Chorale, Vom Himmel hoch. HUGO DISTLER: Partita, Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, Opus 8 –John Brock (1979+1989 Brombaugh/Christ Church, Tacoma, WA) & (1976 Brombaugh/Central Lutheran, Eugene, OR) Calcante CD-022
ROBERT HEBBLE: Divinum Mysterium. VIRGIL FOX (arranged): The First Noël –Virgil Fox (1965 Möller/St. Paul the Apostle RCC, New York, NY) Bainbridge CD-2505
TRADITIONAL: Norwegian Folksong, Et lite barn sa lystelig. TRADITIONAL: Ave Maris Stella. CARL CHRISTIAN NICOLAJ BALLE: Now Comes the Christmas Festival –Tore Brunborg, sax; Kjetil Bjerkestrand, organ; Kirkelig Kulturverksted FXCD160
RACZKOWSKI: Polish Christmas Carol Suite –Marek Toporowski (1883 Henry Willis/Dominican Priory, London, England, UK) Musicon CD-010