Millennium Pipes #0249
The professional journals show an incredible stream of new organs, but when the national newspapers herald the installation of some lovely instrument, you get a convincing sense that the pipe organ is still a viabile medium for our modern times. In this week’s program, we celebrate two new instruments in Minnesota: the Noack organ at Saint Paul Seminary Chapel, and a new Casavant at Incarnation Lutheran Church, a Saint Paul suburb. We’ll also travel to the cathedral in Treviso, Italy, for a continental perspective. With music from Mozart to Messiaen, David Jenkins, Diane Belcher and Eric Lebrun put three new organs through the motions, proving that the art of the king of instruments is alive and well in the 21st century.
NICOLAUS BRUHNS: Praeludium in G. LOUIS VIERNE: 4 Pieces: Preambule; Canzone; Berceuse; Scherzetto, from 24 Pieces in Free Style –David Jenkins (2000 Noack/St. Paul Seminary Chapel, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded September 17, 2000
J.S. BACH: Prelude & Fugue in a, S. 543. W.A. MOZART: Andante in F, K. 616. FRANK MARTIN: Agnus Dei. JEHAN ALAIN: Litanies –Diane Meredith Belcher (2000 Casavant Frères/Incarnation Lutheran, Shoreview, MN) Pipedreams Archive recorded March 12, 2000
JEAN-FRANÇOIS DANDRIEU: Magnificat. FRANÇOIS COUPERIN: Recit de tierce en taille, from Mass for the Parishes. OLIVIER MESSIAEN: Dieu parmi nous, from La Nativité du Seigneur –Eric Lebrun (2000 Kuhn-Hradetzky/Treviso Cathedral, Italy) Pipedreams Archive recorded December 3, 2000