Archive of Sonic Solutions #0329
From the subtle magic of a single flute stop to the glorious roar of an entire instrument in song, this week’s program explores just a few of the auditory adventures available to organists. Baroque chorale variations and Psalm fantasies, trumpet tunes, symphonic poems, a virtuoso etude for pedals alone, and a racy romp for two performers at one console are just a few of the possibilities exhibited by our talented friends. Gustav Leonhardt, Virgil Fox and several others each provide unique responses to musical challenges as we continue our never ending search for Sonic Solutions.
CHRISTIAN RITTER: Sonatina in d. GEORG BÖHM: Variations on Vater unser im Himmelreich –Gustav Leonhardt (1692 Arp Schnitger/Ludgerikirche, Norden, Germany) Sony Classical SK 53371
JAN BONEFAAS: Fantasy on Psalm 24 –Harm Hoeve (1743 Hinsz/Bovenkerk, Kampen, The Netherlands) STH Sacred Music 196012
NAJI HAKIM: Rhapsody –Naji Hakim, Marie-Bernadette Dufourcet Hakim (1898 Cavaillé-Coll/Basilique Sacré-Coeur, Paris, France) Priory PRCD465
J.S. BACH: Chorale-prelude, Wir glauben all, S. 680. LUDWIG van BEETHOVEN: Minuet in G. McAMIS: Dreams. WILHELM MIDDELSCHULTE: Perpetuum Mobile –Virgil Fox (1953 Aeolian-Skinner/Riverside, New York, NY) EMI Classics CDC 65913
THOMAS CANNING: Fugue, from Sonata for Organ –Kyler Brown (1932 Aeolian-Skinner/St. Mary the Virgin Episcopal, New York, NY) Gothic G49085
MILLER: Hymn-prelude, Great is thy faithfulness. CRAIG PHILLIPS: Trumpet Tune –Stewart Scharch (1992 Swain & Kates/Walnut Creek Presbyterian, Walnut Creek, CA) SS Productions
FRANZ LISZT (arranged by Robilliard): symphonic poem Orpheus –Louis Robilliard (1880 Cavaillé-Coll/Église Saint-François-de-Sales, Lyon, France) Festivo FECD-138