Shuffle Off to Buffalo #0427
Come along for an aural sampler of the mostly historic instruments from Buffalo, NY.
CHARLES CALLAHAN: Festival Fanfare –Charles Callahan (1992 Heritage/All Saint’s RCC, Buffalo, NY) Pro Organo CD 2231
J.S. BACH: Partita, O Gott, du frommer Gott, S. 767 –Robert Noehren (1970 Noehren/First Presbyterian, Buffalo, NY) Fleur de Lis FL0101
J.S. BACH (arranged by FRANZ LISZT): Adagio, S. 1017 –James Bigham (1986 Möller; 1997 Kegg/Holy Trinity Lutheran, Buffalo, NY) Gothic G108626
LUTHER/BIGHAM: Hymn, A mighty fortress –James Bigham (1986 Möller; 1997 Kegg/Holy Trinity Lutheran, Buffalo, NY) Kegg CD-1998
HARRY WARREN: Shuffle Off to Buffalo –Chris Elliott (1926 Wurlitzer/Shea’s Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, NY) CPE Productions 104
RUBE BLOOM: Soliloquey. JEROME KERN: All the things you are –Lyn Larsen (1926 Wurlitzer/Shea’s Performing Arts Center, Buffalo, NY) Musical Contrasts CD-110
JOHANN PACHELBEL: 2 Chorale-preludes: Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein; Nun freut euch, lieben Christen –Barbara Harbach (1990 C.B. Fisk/Slee Hall, SUNY-Buffalo, Buffalo, NY) Gasparo CD-2001
KARL HÖLLER: Postludium, from Triptychon, Opus 64 –Barbara Harbach (1913 Möller/Karpeles Manuscript Museum, Buffalo, NY) Gasparo CD-278
EUGENE THAYER: Variations on the Russian National Anthem –Richard Morris (1876 E. & G.G. Hook & Hastings; 2001 Andover/Cathedral of St. Joseph, Buffalo, NY) New World 80280
JOHANNES BRAHMS (transcribed by Edwin H. Lemare): Hungarian Dance Number 1 in g. ALEXANDRE GUILMANT: Caprice in B-flat, Opus 20, number 3. JOHN STAFFORD SMITH (transcribed by Heywood): The Star-Spangled Banner –Thomas Heywood (1876 E. & G.G. Hook & Hastings; 2001 Andover/Cathedral of St. Joseph, Buffalo, NY) Pro Organo CD 7167