Orchestral Adventures #0710
The pipe organ’s concert repertoire often strays into the realm of symphonic ensembles, with remarkable results.
LUDWIG van BEETHOVEN (transcribed by Heywood): Egmont Overture, Opus 84 –Thomas Heywood (1876 E. & G.G. Hook & Hastings; 2001 Andover/Cathedral of St. Joseph, Buffalo, NY) Pro Organo CD 7167
SIR EDWARD ELGAR (transcribed by Peter Richard Conte): Sospiri –Peter Richard Conte (1911 Wanamaker/Grand Court, Macy’s Center City, Philadelphia, PA) Gothic G49247
GUSTAV HOLST (transcribed by Sykes): Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity, from The Planets –Peter Sykes (1930 E.M. Skinner/Girard College Chapel, Philadelphia, PA) Raven OAR-380
ANTON BRUCKNER (transcribed by Edwin Horn): Scherzo, from Symphony Number “0” –Johannes Skudlik (1997 Rieger/Münster Saint Georg, Dinkelsbühl, Germany) Motette CD MOT 13001
ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK (transcribed by Edwin H. Lemare): Angel’s Scene, from Hänsel und Gretel –Johannes Geffert (1910 Stahlhut/Maria Laach Abbey Church, Germany) Motette CD MOT 12441
DIMITRI SHOSTAKOVICH (arranged by by Johnson): Festive Overture, Opus 96 –Christopher Johnson (1953 Aeolian-Skinner/Riverside, New York, NY) JAV CD-168
GIOACCHINO ROSSINI: William Tell Overture –Dan Miller (1990 Möller/Calvary Church, Charlotte, NC) Miller Productions CD-890
ALEXANDER BORODIN (transcribed by Bertero): In the Steppes of Central Asia –Robert Bertero (1989 van den Heuvel/Église Saint-Eustache, Paris, France) Priory PRCD690
FRANZ von SUPPÉ (arranged by Edwin Evans): Poet and Peasant Overture –Thomas Trotter (1834 Hill/Town Hall, Birmingham, England, UK) London/Decca 436 656
Filler –SIR EDWARD ELGAR: Sospiri (see above)