Archive of From the Ocean Grove #1027
…from the centenary celebrations of the Robert Hope-Jones pipe organ in the world-famous auditorium of this picturesque New Jersey summer shore-side retreat.
Hour 1
LÉON BOËLLMANN: Suite Gothique*
LÉON BOËLLMANN: Fantasie-Dialogue for Organ and Orchestra, Opus 35 –Rittenhouse Orchestra, Jason Tramm, conductor; Gordon Turk, organ; recorded July 30, 2008
LOUIS VIERNE: Berceuse, from 24 Pieces en style libre*
JOHANNES MATTHIAS MICHEL: 2 Jazz Preludes: Swing Five/Erhalt uns, Herr; Afro-Cuban/In Dir ist Freude –Carol Williams; recorded July 23, 2008
Filler –J.S. BACH: Nun freut euch, lieben Christen from Ocean Grove CD**
Hour 2
LÉON BOËLLMANN: Ronde Francaise, Opus 37. GEORG BÖHM: Praeludium in C. MAX REGER: Introduction and Passacaglia in d. JOSEPH JONGEN: Toccata, Opus 104 –Gordon Turk**
ALEXANDRE GUILMANT: Symphony Number 1 in d for Organ and Orchestra, Opus 42. –Rittenhouse Orchestra, Jason Tramm, conductor; Gordon Turk, organ; recorded July 30, 2008
Filler –LÉON BOËLLMANN: Fantasie-Dialogue (see above)
Gordon Turk, Ocean Grove Auditorium Organist, talks with Michael Barone about the history of this historic 6700-seat hall and its lavish 176-rank instrument, and demonstrates the organ’s original Hope-Jones voices and the new Antiphonal Division. The concert recordings were made especially for this broadcast; CDs by Gordon Turk have been issued on the Dorian label, 90267* [nla] and by the Ocean Grove Associaton (**). The Ocean Grove Auditorium Organ is featured in regular midday and evening concerts throughout the summer months www.oceangrovenj.com.