Let the Round Earth Rejoice #1312
…with hymns, chorales, chants and organ solos, we reflect on spring's rebirth at Easter.
Hour 1
ROBERT WILLIAMS: Jesus Christ is Risen Today –Palmer Memorial Choir & Brass/Brady Knapp, director/Ann Frohbeiter (1991 Fisk/Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church, Houston, TX) Palmer Church 2003
FLOR PEETERS: Symphonic Fantasy on an Easter Plainsong, Op. 13 –Peter Van de Velde (1891 Schyven/Our Lady's Cathedral, Antwerp, Belgium) Aeolus 10711
ANTON HEILLER: Ecce lignum crucis –Klemens Schnorr (1964 Rieger chancel organ/Freiburg Cathedral, Germany) Motette 13236
GERALD NEAR: 4 Hymn Preludes (Immortal, invisible; Vater unser im Himmelreich; O Traurigkeit; Christ ist erstanden) –Steven Egler (1997 Casavant/Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI) White Pine 203
GERRE HANCOCK: The Saviour Redeems the World (improvisation on Ubi caritas and Vexilla Regis prodeunt) –Gerre Hancock (1962 Austin/Cathedral of St. Joseph, Hartford, CT) Pro Organo 7233
Enjoy a DVD video of Dr. Hancock's improvisation here!
LILI BOULANGER: Pie Jesu –Magali Léger, soprano; Carolyn Shuster Fournier (1894 Cavaillé-Coll/Church of St. Antoine, Paris) Ligia Digital 0109206.09
JAMES MacMILLAN: Christus vincit –Westminster Cathedral Choir/Martin Baker, conductor; David de Winter, treble (Westminster Cathedral, London) Hyperion 67219
Hour 2
JOHANN MICHAEL BACH: Jesus Christus, unser Heiland –Michael Harris (1724 Schröter/St.Peter's Church, Wandersleben) Priory 1001
GEORG BÖHM: 2 Chorale-preludes on Christ lag in Todesbanden –Friedhelm Flamme (1735 Creutzburg/St. Cyriakus Church, Duderstadt, Germany) cpo 777.501
JEAN TITELOUZE: Exultet coelom –Les Chantres du Roy; Yves-G. Préfontaine (1699 Tribout/Church of St. Martin de Seurre, Cote d'Or, France) Atma 2558
JOHANN LUDWIG KREBS: Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn –Felix Friedrich (1739 Trost/St. Wenzel Church, Naumburg) Querstand 0203
BERT MATTER: Partita, Ich ruf zu dir –Johan Luimes (1643 Bader-1814 Timpe-1996 Reil/St. Walburg Church, Zutphen, The Netherlands) Walburga Musica 2507
HELMUT WALCHA: 3 Chorale-preludes (O armer Sünder; Jesu, deine Passion; Christ ist erstanden) –Wolfgang Rübsam (2004 Brombaugh/First Presbyterian Church, Springfield, IL) Naxos 8.572911
TORSTEN NILSSON: 3 Chorales on texts by Anders Frostenson, Op. 44 –Mona Julsrud, soprano; Bjørn Kåre Moe (1949 Marcussen/Oscar's Church, Stockholm, Sweden) BIS 924
G.F. HANDEL: Worthy is the Lamb – Amen, fr Messiah –Wells Cathedral Choir and School Chamber Orchestra/Matthew Owens, conductor; Jonathan Waughan (1974 Harrison/Wells Cathedral, England) Regent 343
Add to your springtime Easter bouquet with this remarkable presentation (aural and visual) by organist Aaron David Miller…"A Flower Opens"
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