Hector Olivera in Concert #1416
…the irrepressible and ever imaginative concert artist takes a turn at the console of the pipe organ Lyle Blackinton made at Bethel University in Arden Hills, MN.
Hour 1
FERNAND de la TOMBELLE: Marche Pontifical
J. S. BACH: Air, fr Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D
JEREMIAH CLARKE & HENRY PURCELL: Trumpet Tune, Air and Voluntary
CÉSAR FRANCK: Prelude, Fugue and Variation
HANS FRIEDRICH MICHEELSEN: Toccata, Canzona and Fugue (Organ Concerto No. 2) on Es sungen drei Engel, Op. 34
Filler – OLIVERA Improvisation (from Bethel University, r. 4/22/05)
Hour 2
ENRICO BOSSI: Ave Maria, Op. 104, no. 2 (Kansas City)
CAMILLE SAINT-SAENS: Benediction Nuptiale, Op. 9
FRANZ LISZT: Variations on Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen
OLIVERA: Improvisation on Themes by Boëllmann (Gothic Toccata) and Abreu (Tico-tico)
Filler – MICHEELSEN: Concerto, 1st movement (see above)
With the few indicated exceptions, all performances were recorded in concert on April 17, 2009 on the Blackington organ in Bethel University’s Benson Great Hall.
Hector’s alternative performances of the Micheelsen Concerto and Clarke/Purcell selections, as well as the Bossi Ave Maria (above), all played on the Rufffatti organ at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Kansas city, Missouri, are available on CD.
Maestro Olivera’s upcoming performances take him to, among other venues, First Baptist Church in Washington, DC (April 27), Saint Michael’s Lutheran in Baltimore, MD (May 4), to the Newport Music Festival in Rhode Island (July 12), and to Syracuse, NY for the Organ Historical Society (August 11). Catch him if you can!
Revisit history and some of Hector’s past performances from the PIPEDREAMS library:
A Man for All Seasons (#8719/#9123)
Out Foxing at the Atlanta Fox (#9925)Â
Hats Off for Hector! (#0915/#1028)Â
And for you impatient ones who want to cut directly to the chase, here’s the audio for Hector’s .