The Younger Generation #1805
…performers and composers ‘of a certain age’ show continued interest in the King of Instruments.
Hour 1
RYAN CROYLE: Trumpet Flourish. EDWARD LANDIN: Psalm Prelude. CHRISTOPHER LaROSA: Falcon 9. FREDERICK FRAHM: 3 New Mexico Sketches -Wyatt Smith (2007 Casavant/Congregational United Church of Christ, Iowa City, IA) Pipedreams Archive (r. 6/20/17)
NICOLAUS BRUHNS: Praeludium in G –Wyatt Smith (1984 Fritts-Richards/St. Alphonsus Catholic Church, Seattle, WA) Pipedreams Archive (r. 2/2017)
KYLE SHAW: Toccata. ALEKSANDER JAN SZOPA: Fantasia, Veni Sancte Spiritus –Wyatt Smith (Congregational United Church of Christ, Iowa City, IA) Pipedreams Archive (r. 6/20/17)
Szopa (1st Prize), LaRosa (2nd Prize), Landin, Croyle and Shaw (Honorable Mentions) were finalists in the American Guild of Organists Young Organists North Central 2017 Young Composers Competition, sponsored by the AGO Young Organists Group (AGOYO).
Hour 2
WILLIAM BOLCOM: What a friend we have in Jesus, fr Gospel Preludes Book I. FRANK FERKO: Mass for Dedication (Entrance-Offertory-Consecration-Postlude) –Ben Kerswell (1988 Holtkamp/1st United Methodist Church, Iowa City, IA) Pipedreams Archive (r. 6/22/17). Ben Kerswell won the 2017 North Central Regional AGO Young Organists Competition.
THOMAS HEYWOOD: Humoresque for Pedal Trombone, Op. 28 –Ahreum Han (1987 Kney/University of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, MN) Pipedreams Archive (r. 3/3/13)
NICO MUHLY: The Rev’d Mustard His Installation Prelude –Karl Robson. JUDITH BINGHAM: Saint Bride, Assisted by Angels –Zach Zwahlen. THIERRY ESCAICH: Victimae Paschali Verses –Nathaniel Gumbs (2008 Fritts/Sacred Heart Cathedral, Rochester, NY) Pipedreams Archive (r. 4/23/16)
These students were part of a Pipedreams Live! event at the Eastman School. Tune in next week for more!
Filler – BOLCOM (see above)
Special online features:
-Wyatt Smith about his concert-giving initiatives, and essentially his very successful, self-made career.
-Wyatt Smith HEINRICH SCHEIDEMANN: Galliard et Variatio ex D at St. Alphonsus Church