American Pioneers #1946
…the art of the organ in our country got a good start with the help of these fine fellows.
Hour 1
WILLIAM BILLINGS (1746-1800): Chester –E. Power Biggs and Philip Cooper (1800 Diefenbach/Berks County Historical Society, Reading, PA) Columbia MS6161 & AFKA 540
DAVID MORITZ MICHAEL (1751-1827): 3 Movements from Instrumental Suites –E. Power Biggs (1804 Tannenberg/York Country Historical Society, York, PA) Columbia MS6161
DUDLEY BUCK (1839-1909): Variations on The Star-spangled Banner, Op. 23 –Adam Brakel (2000 Austin/Bethesda-by-the-Sea, Palm Beach, FL) Raven 933
ARTHUR FOOTE (1853-1937): Allegretto (ii.) & Festival March (i), fr Op. 29 –Kevin Birch (1895 Woodberry/Spanaway Lutheran Church, Tacoma, WA) OHS 2008
ALBERT BECKER (1834-1899): Adagio, Op. 20 –Robert Murray, violin; Ardyth Lohuis (1893 Woodberry & Harris/1st Presbyterian Church, Waynesboro, VA) Raven 230
HORATIO PARKER (1863-1919): Quick March (for two organists) –Tim and Cheryl Drewes (1890 Kilgen/Trinity Lutheran Church, Tacoma, WA) OHS 2008
PARKER: Slumber Song, Op. 68, no. 1; Concert Piece No. 1, Op. 17, no. 2 –Albert Ahlstrom (1895 Müller & Abel/St. Joseph’s Church, New York, NY) Raven 340. This year marks the centennial of the death (12/18/19) of American organist, composer and teacher Horatio Parker.
Filler – FOOTE: Festival March (see above)
Hour 2
PARKER: Sonata in e-flat, Op. 65… Allegro moderato (i.) –Karl Moyer (1859 Hook/Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, North Easton, MA) Raven 290; Andante (ii.) –Rudolf Innig (2003 Kuhn/Osnabrück Cathedral, Germany) MD&G 317.1741; Allegretto (iii.) –David Chalmers (1864 Hook/Mechanics Hall, Worcester, MA) Gloria Dei Cantores 011; Fugue (iv.) –Karl Moyer (1859 Hook/Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, North Easton, MA) Raven 290;
CHARLES IVES (1874-1954): Fugue No. 2, S. 136 (1898) –Iain Quinn (1962 Harrison/Coventry Cathedral, England) Chandos 10489
GEORGE WHITEFIELD CHADWICK (1854-1931): Theme, Variations & Fugue (arr. Goodrich) –Parker Ramsay (1955 Aeolian-Skinner/Byrnes Auditorium, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC) Raven 154
Filler – PARKER: Concert Piece No. 1 (see above)