Organs Carol #8850
…Singing the Christmas tidings with pipes and other voices.
ROBERT EDWARD SMITH: Angels we have heard on high John Rose (Austin organ/St. Joseph Cathedral, Hartford, CT)
SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Chorale-Improvisation on Wachet auf. SEARLE WRIGHT: Prelude on Greensleeves. JEAN-FRANÇOIS DANDRIEU: Noel, A minuit fut fait un Reveil John Walker (Reuter/First Methodist Church, Colorado Springs; Augustana Lutheran Church, Denver, CO)
Beaumont: Improvisation on Noel Nouvelet Kerry Beaumont (1958 Austin/Good Samaritan Church, Paoli, PA)
MAX REGER: Ave Maria, Op. 80, no. 5 Lionel Rogg (1976 Marcussen/St. James Church, Stockholm)
HERBERT SUMSION: The Holy Birth Mark Blatchly; Gloucester Cathedral Choir/John Sanders. Pirory PRCD-218.
JOHANN LUDWIG KREBS: Chorale-prelude, Jesu, meine Freude Timothy Valentine, ob; Edwin Swanborn (1969 Noack/Trinity Lutheran, Worcester, MA)
J.S. BACH: Christmas Chorale-preludes from the Orgelbuechlein and the Neumeister Collection Joseph Payne (1983 Bozeman-Gibson organ/St. Paul's Church, Brookline, MA)
J.S. BACH: Christmas Chorale-preludes Werner Jacob (1761 J.A. Silbermann/Domkirche, Arlesheim, Switzerland)
J.S. BACH: Christmas Chorale-preludes Hans Fagius (1786 Schwan organ/Mariefred Church, Sweden)
J.S. BACH: Christmas Chorale-preludes Bernard Foccroulle (1744 Bossart/Kloster, Muri, Switzerland)
RICHARD PURVIS: Pastorale on Forest Green. DAVID GEHRENBECK: Chorale-prelude on Venite Adoremus. Gigout: Rhapsody on French Carols John Walker (First Methodist, Colorado Springs)