Summer Sketches #9824
portraits of four historic instruments, in Portland and Bangor, Maine; Ocean Grove, New Jersey; and Round Lake, New York, famous for their summer concert schedules.
EDWIN H. LEMARE: Fantasie Fugue, Opus 48 –Frederick Hohman (1912 Austin/Merrill Auditorium, Portland, ME) Pro Organo CD 7018
EDWIN H. LEMARE: Summer Sketches, Opus 73 –Thomas Murray (1912 Austin/Merrill Auditorium, Portland, ME) AFKA SK-515
MacFARLANE: America the Beautiful March –Earl Miller (1912 Austin/Merrill Auditorium, Portland, ME) AFKA Cassette SK-324
JOHANN STRAUSS II: Emperor Waltz. MAURICE DURUFLÉ: Prelude on the Introit for Epiphany; Fugue on the Hour Chime of Soissons Cathedral –Peter Richard Conte (1908 Hope-Jones/Ocean Grove Auditorium, Ocean Grove, NJ) recorded July 24, 1991
PHILIPPE LEFEBVRE (arranged by Alexandre Guilmant): Meditation, Opus 68. ALEXANDRE GUILMANT: Allegro in the Style of Handel, Opus 81 –Round Lake Festival Orchestra; Glenn Soellner, conductor; Stephen Pinel [recorded July 24, 1988] (1847 Davis & Ferris/Round Lake Auditorium, Round Lake, NY) Round Lake CD-1001
CÉSAR FRANCK: Grande Piece Symphonique, Opus 17 –Dana Robinson (1860 E. & G.G. Hook/St. John RCC, Bangor, ME) recorded May, 28, 1993
For information on summer concerts:
Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ
Ocean Grove Auditorium Concerts
Round Lake Auditorium Concerts
Saint John’s Church Organ Series