In Praise and Thanksgiving #0947
…what better way to show appreciation for the bounties of life than through melodious outbursts of joy.
Hour 1
J.S. BACH: Sinfonia, from Cantata Number 29, Wir danken dir, Gott –Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Ton Koopman (chamber organ) Challenge Classics 72220
J.S. BACH (transcribed by Worth): Sinfonia, from Cantata Number 29 –Ted Alan Worth (1969 Ruffatti/Our Lady of Grace RCC, Johnston, RI) Ruffatti CD-2003
PETER MORHARD: Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ –Friedhelm Flamme (1711 von Holy/Bartholomäuskirche, Dornum, Germany) cpo 777 343
HEINRICH SCHEIDEMANN: Lobet den Herren –Karin Nelson (1992 Brombaugh/Haga Church, Göteborg, Sweden) Naxos 8.554203
JOHANN PACHELBEL: Nun lob mein Seel den Herren –Joseph Kelemen (1702 Stertzing/St. Petrikirche, Büssleben, Germany) Oehms 613
J.S. BACH: Chorale-prelude, Nun danket alle Gott, BWV 657 –Christa Rakich (1971 C.B. Fisk/Old West Church, Boston, MA) Loft LRCD-1078-79
J.S. BACH (arranged by E. Power Biggs): Chorus, Nun danket alle Gott, from Cantata Number 79 –Roger Voisin, Armando Ghitalla, trumpets; Jacob Raichman, trombone; E. Power Biggs (1950 Aeolian-Skinner/Symphony Hall, Boston, MA) Columbia LPs 4435 & 4635; E. Power Biggs (1761 J.A. Silbermann/Arlesheim Cathedral, Switzerland) CBS Masterworks MK 30539
J.S. BACH (arranged by Virgil Fox): Chorus, Nun danket alle Gott, from Cantata Number 79 –Virgil Fox (1953 Aeolian-Skinner/Riverside, New York, NY) BMG/RCA CD-61251
RONALD ARNATT: Variations on Nun danket alle Gott, from Hymn Sonata –John Walker (1995 Reuter/Shadyside Presbyterian, Pittsburgh, PA) Pipedreams Archive recorded November 7, 2004
AMY CHENY BEACH: Anthem, I will give thanks –Shadyside Church Choir, John Walker (1995 Reuter/Shadyside Presbyterian, Pittsburgh, PA) Pro Organo CD 7072
Filler –J.S. BACH BWV 657 (see above)
Hour 2
SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: Praise the Lord with Drums and Cymbals –Columbia Brass & Percussion Ensemble, Maurice Peress, conductor; E. Power Biggs (1958 Möller/St. George Episcopal, New York, NY) Columbia M-31193
MAX REGER: 2 Chorale-preludes, Nun danket alle Gott, Opus 67, number 28 & Opus 79b, Number 11 –Rosalinde Haas (1983 Albiez/Mutter vom Guten Rat, Frankfurt-Niederrad, Germany) Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 3361 & Dabringhaus und Grimm MDG 315 0355
J.S. BACH: Cantata Number 192, Nun danket alle Gott –Joanne Lunn, soprano; Peter Harvey, bass; Monteverdi Choir; English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner, conductor. Soli Deo Gloria 110
PAUL MANZ: Chorale Improvisation Suite in F, All praise to God; All depends on our possessing; Dear Christians, one and all; Now sing we; Lord Jesus Christ, be present now; Comfort, comfort, yet my people; Now thank we all our God –Paul Manz (1965 Schlicker/Mount Olive Lutheran, Minneapolis, MN) Manz Music CD-921
GERARD BUNK/WILLEM MENGELBERG: Chorale-prelude, Nun danket alle Gott –Herman van Vliet (1845 Naber/Sint Joriskerk, Amersfoort, The Netherlands) Festivo FECD-139
KARL HOYER: Fantasy on the Old Netherlands Prayer, Wir treten zum Beten –Herman van Vliet (1845 Naber/Sint Joriskerk, Amersfoort, The Netherlands) Festivo FECD-128
TRADITIONAL: Hymn, We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing –Shadyside Church Choir, John Walker (1995 Reuter/Shadyside Presbyterian, Pittsburgh, PA) Pro Organo CD 7072
Filler –AMY CHENY BEACH (see above)