Pipe Organ Music by People of Color

Originally broadcast Feb. 1993: En Blanc et Noir
Hear pieces by Mark Fax and Thomas Kerr, Nol DaCosta, Henry Sexton, and Charles Coleman, which take as themes simple, beautiful original melodies, gospel hymns and our nation's racial history.
Originally broadcast Feb. 1995: In Black and White (I)
Recitalist Herman D. Taylor provides perceptive introductions to varied works of African-American composers.
Originally broadcast Feb. 2001: In Black and White
Featuring commentator and performer Mickey Thomas Terr, explore music for organ with African percussion, and organ solo settings of African-American spirituals, music for church services and pieces for the concert hall.
Originally broadcast Feb. 2002: In Black and White
Whether in abstract visions or classical forms, responding to mainstream themes or spiritual influences, listen to the important voices of black composers, as you'll discover listening to a dozen remarkable works recorded by James Abbington, David Oliver, Mark Miller, Lucius Weathersby, Mickey Thomas Terry and friends.
Originally broadcast Feb. 2003: Blending Black and White
In this episode, Noel DaCosta adapts Nigerian tunes in his Ukom Memory Songs for organ and percussion, Dezso Antalffy transforms black spirituals in a splendid solo fantasy from the 1930s, and Pulitzer Prize-winner George Walker evokes images of craggy heights in his Spires.
Originally broadcast Feb. 2004: Music of Color
This week, we ride into a fascinating world where aesthetics, politics and life experiences merge in the output of talented artists which will raise your spirit. Marvin Mills talks about his background and explores both the polyphony and the philosophy behind our multi-hued repertoire, as we experience Music of Color.
Originally broadcast Feb. 2021: Shining a Light
In celebration of Black History Month, this episode features performances and compositions by Black musicians.
Originally broadcast Feb. 2021: Imagining Color
This week, we’ll share inspired improvisations and standard repertoire, spiritual tunes and jazz favorites.
Originally broadcast Feb. 2021: More Than Just Black and White
This episode features another color-full collection of music featuring Black composers, performers, and themes.
Originally broadcast Feb. 2021: A Diversity of Riches
On this episode, we’ll further investigate a mix of intriguing repertoire and inspired performances.